EZ Test Tube for Ecstasy / MDMA / Methamphetamine / Molly

The classic test for Ecstasy ( MDMA ) | also known as EZ Test Marquis.

Within seconds you know if you 're dealing with ecstasy ( MDMA )| DXM| 2C-B/C/I| DOB| DOI| methylone| butylone | naphyrone| methamphetamine| amphetamines or opiates.

This was the first test for Ecstasy ever to come onto the market (as EZ Test Marquis) and should still serve as your primary test kit. As a rule of thumb that you should use when testing for the presence of ecstasy (MDMA| MDA| MDE): if it doesn't turn black| throw it back!

More and more other substances are being sold as Ecstasy| but only MDMA should be considered 'real' ecstasy . These adulterants can have serious side-effects such as nausea | anxiety | insomnia | and in the worst case death.

EZ Test is a quick and easy to use test kit that can tell whether a pill or powder contains MDMA | amphetamine| or other psychoactive substances . It is an effective means of adulterants and other potentially harmful substances which are often found in street drugs .

EZ Test for XTC shows different colour reactions with ecstasy (MDMA )| speed (amphetamine )| 2C-B| 2C-C | 2C-I| DOB| DOI| DXM| Methylone| butylone| Naphyrone and Opiates . This test shows NO reaction with piperazines (mCPP ) and PMMA .

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