Sexy Events
6 Tips for a MĂ©nage Ă trois
Wear it Purple Day?
Wear it purple day is a yearly awareness and viability campaign for the whole community for LGBTQIA+ and straight allies.
International Men’s Day: When Is It Time to “Man Up”?
At Be Daring we see International Men's Day to create and engage in conversations around what it means to be a man today, and what we can do to enrich the lives of the men in our lives! This blog will look to raise awareness on key issues, such as: suicide, toxic masculinity, and prostate health.
Is Masturbation Considered Sexual Health?
September 4 is World Sexual Health Awareness Day so with that, we ask the question: Is masturbation considered sexual health?
Celebrating Sexual Health On September 4
September 4 is World Sexual Health Day, a day dedicated to promoting sexual health and well-being. Many people think of it as an opportunity to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), but that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes down to what actually defines "sexual health."
National Relaxation Day: Sex Play For Relaxation
August 15th is a time to hit the brakes and take a deep breath or a few breathy moans. So, on August 15, we celebrate National Relaxation Day. While you won’t make it far in life without putting your best foot forward, that work ethic can be as tough as the kickback of a shotgun. You absolutely need to relax every now and then to relieve stress.
Best Wand Vibrators And Sex Toys For Solo And Couples
For sure, vibrators can be confusing. Where do you put them, what frequency do you set them, and what exactly to do with the things anyway? Not all vibrators come with a detailed guide. But if you’re going to invest in a good toy, you’re lucky you can see this because these are the best wand vibrators, whether you’re alone or not.
Should You Spend International Sex Workers’ Day With A Sex Worker?
June 2 marked International Sex Workers’ Day. With this is mind, we thought we would write a blog about International Sex Workers’ Day. More specifically, we thought we would address the question of whether or not you should celebrate International Sex Workers’ Day with, ahh - a sex worker!
Ways to feel Sexually Empowered - International Women's Day
There can be a lot of shame around women’s bodies and sexuality but embracing sexuality and sexual wellbeing can be very empowering for women. This often means different things for different people. Some keys ways to feel sexually empowered